What if the insurance company is telling me not to hire an attorney?

The insurance company wants to pay as little on the claim as it can get away with, and you want to recover as much on the claim as you are entitled to. The insurance company has in-house lawyers and lawyers from private law firms that it will use to try to pay as little money as it can.  An attorney hired by you represents your interests in the claim and will help even the playing field when it comes to resolving your claim.  Most people will never be hurt or suffer damage that makes it necessary to hire a lawyer, but that is a constant part of an insurance company’s business.  The insurance company has all the expertise in handling your claim, and you have none.  If you are significantly injured, you will need an attorney to help you through the injury claim process; the insurance company will be protecting its own interests which are completely against yours. 


How much does an attorney charge?


How bad does an injury need to be to make it necessary to hire a lawyer?